21 September 2008
"Yijin" and "Yin Yang" as Japanese philosophy Ekigaku, Ekidou and Ing-Yo
Generally the sources of "Yijin" were born as the divinations of China, which were the acts of finding and saying what were going to happen in the future, about 4,000 years ago. They were developed within some methods called Renzan-Eki and Kizo-Eki, etc., and arranged or organized for 700~800 years. At last "Yijin" has appeared into this world with a concept of "Yin Yang". These thoughts arrived in Japan some 1,500 years ago. We have been studying, practicing or structuring these especial ideas and they have been growing into Japanese Philosophy, "Ekigaku, Ekidou and Ing-Yo". Oriental Philosophies are based on "Yijin" and "Yin Yang". Japanese Philosophy is only one of them.
I hope various theories will be made in each countries according as their cultures, beauties and happiness. But the underlying law within the universe is only one like the Earth is just only one. The underlying law will tell us the differentiation between discrimination and discernment and how to use our lives more beautifully. I am willing to keep the faith in this law coming from nature. And I can go on living.
What is " Eki " ?

Japanese philosophy " Ekigaku and Ekidou "
Man is alive relatively with others. Every man makes comparisons between one and others in a consequence. This tendency of life is quite normal as a human in this world. No one can escape from comparing himself/herself with others, therefore Man is always straying, wandering or conflicting. Sometimes this inclination of Man brings many problems to him/her. It happens naturally for Man although everyone doesn't hope to lost his/her way and straggle.
It seems difficult for Man to think about something without comparing. We continue to live in reality with to compare or to be compared. And we know Changing Reality is real. We are realigning something/somebody or other, by which we are being realigned at any time. How should Man make comparisons? If Man get the mean, he/she will be able to solve his/her problems and progress as he/she like. Man should decides clearly to perceive the Changing Reality as it is, so that Man can choose and make the own way along it. As a result he/she will be able to release himself/herself into his/her own freedom and get something beautiful for his/her happiness. Human beings can exist more beautifully. But we have to remember the beauty is not one and only. There are many countries, races and histories, from which many various cultures are born with beauty codes. Each culture has own beauty. Each Man has personal beauty depending on his/her happiness.
In Japanese philosophy " Eki ", there is the way to recognize and realize the underlying processes of our universe. We have to fight with others in order to live on. Eki shows how to battle more beautifully. We can use Eki named " Ekigaku and Ekidou " for understanding many beauties of cultures including personal beauties. Ekigaku means studying and Ekidou means practicing. Both are great gifts from Ancient Scientists. Eki is the method made by not only the spiritual but also the physical. We will find every person is the same as a piece of nature actually, then we will determine to have good manner for happiness each other. Eki is the theory to prove that all lives should be beautiful like nature. This law within nature is Eki. It has an especial concept of " Ing-Yo " that will be able to explain Interchangeability and interdependence in this universe much better.
We can learn and study, and have to use the law in the Changing Reality. The law is based on straying, wandering, conflicting, and fighting of Ancient Scientists. They continued to spend their real lives on finding, knowing, and using the Changing Reality. I am pleased to be handed down Eki, and want to send it for ever in awe.
14/09/2008 written by Nohara Koushuu
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